area to use west->east: -10->40 and south->north: 20->45.2 will search for Bufr tables B and D at dir ./tables relevant tableB: ./tables/B0000000000098006001.TXT (found) loading table B from ./tables/B0000000000098006001.TXT relevant tableD: ./tables/D0000000000098006001.TXT (found) loading table D from ./tables/D0000000000098006001.TXT warn: decoding stopped at exception "operator 2.22.000" checking no1 ... pass warn: decoding stopped at exception "operator 2.22.000" checking no2 ... pass .......... thousands more lines like these ........... warn: decoding stopped at exception "operator 2.22.000" checking no16113 ... dropped warn: decoding stopped at exception "operator 2.22.000" checking no16114 ... dropped 16114 bufr record(s) were in obs.20061020.18.bfr 2272 were kept in myArea.bfr and 13842 were dropped