timezone is set to GMT00
will search for Bufr tables A, B and D at dir ./tables

relevant tableA: ./tables/tableA.txt (found)
loading table A from ./tables/tableA.txt

relevant tableB: ./tables/B0000000000098006001.TXT (found)
loading table B from ./tables/B0000000000098006001.TXT

relevant tableD: ./tables/D0000000000098006001.TXT (found)
loading table D from ./tables/D0000000000098006001.TXT

Item No 1 (file offset at 0 bytes)
Type: Surface land data << synop land >>
Sec0: BUFR.3, size: 220 bytes
Sec1: 18 bytes (0 custom bytes), has a sec2
      generic (table A) type & local subtype: 0 & 1
      centre: 98, master & local table ver: 0 & 1
      seqNo: 1, time: Fri Oct 20 15:00:00 2006
Sec2: 48 custom bytes
Sec3: 28 bytes, non-compressed, observed, 10 descriptors, in 1 dataset(s)
      the 10 descriptors are:
      (1)       3.07.005          (2)       0.13.023          (3)       0.13.013          
      (4)       2.22.000          (5)       1.01.049          (6)       0.31.031          
      (7)       0.01.031          (8)       0.01.032          (9)       1.01.049          
      (10)      0.33.007          
Sec4: contains a stream of 106 bytes (not decoded)
Sec5: end of record indicator [7777]

Item No 2 (file offset at 220 bytes)
Type: Surface land data << synop land >>
Sec0: BUFR.3, size: 220 bytes
Sec1: 18 bytes (0 custom bytes), has a sec2
      generic (table A) type & local subtype: 0 & 1
      centre: 98, master & local table ver: 0 & 1
      seqNo: 1, time: Fri Oct 20 15:00:00 2006
Sec2: 48 custom bytes
Sec3: 28 bytes, non-compressed, observed, 10 descriptors, in 1 dataset(s)
      the 10 descriptors are:
      (1)       3.07.005          (2)       0.13.023          (3)       0.13.013          
      (4)       2.22.000          (5)       1.01.049          (6)       0.31.031          
      (7)       0.01.031          (8)       0.01.032          (9)       1.01.049          
      (10)      0.33.007          
Sec4: contains a stream of 106 bytes (not decoded)
Sec5: end of record indicator [7777]

............... some tenths of thousands similar lines, and it ends ...........

Item No 16113 (file offset at 3343164 bytes)
Type: Vertical soundings (non satellite) << temp ship >>
Sec0: BUFR.3, size: 1378 bytes
Sec1: 18 bytes (0 custom bytes), has a sec2
      generic (table A) type & local subtype: 2 & 102
      centre: 98, master & local table ver: 0 & 1
      seqNo: 1, time: Fri Oct 20 17:00:00 2006
Sec2: 48 custom bytes
Sec3: 28 bytes, non-compressed, observed, 10 descriptors, in 1 dataset(s)
      the 10 descriptors are:
      (1)       3.09.196          (2)       2.22.000          (3)       1.01.000          
      (4)       0.31.002          (5)       0.31.031          (6)       0.01.031          
      (7)       0.01.032          (8)       1.01.000          (9)       0.31.002          
      (10)      0.33.007          
Sec4: contains a stream of 1264 bytes (not decoded)
Sec5: end of record indicator [7777]

Item No 16114 (file offset at 3344542 bytes)
Type: Vertical soundings (non satellite) << temp ship >>
Sec0: BUFR.3, size: 666 bytes
Sec1: 18 bytes (0 custom bytes), has a sec2
      generic (table A) type & local subtype: 2 & 102
      centre: 98, master & local table ver: 0 & 1
      seqNo: 1, time: Fri Oct 20 18:00:00 2006
Sec2: 48 custom bytes
Sec3: 28 bytes, non-compressed, observed, 10 descriptors, in 1 dataset(s)
      the 10 descriptors are:
      (1)       3.09.196          (2)       2.22.000          (3)       1.01.000          
      (4)       0.31.002          (5)       0.31.031          (6)       0.01.031          
      (7)       0.01.032          (8)       1.01.000          (9)       0.31.002          
      (10)      0.33.007          
Sec4: contains a stream of 552 bytes (not decoded)
Sec5: end of record indicator [7777]

16114 bufr record(s) were in obs.20061020.18.bfr