Last update: 25 November 2006
Here you will file links to examples displaying what kind of output the various programs produce. These examples assume that you have placed the downloaded directory in /opt/meteo/bufr (so its tables are in /opt/meteo/bufr/tables and its binaries are in /opt/meteo/bufr/bin (after you run make in the src dir)
So, I assume that before runing cmds, you have set up your environment, with these
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/meteo/bufr/bin
export BUFR_TABLES=/opt/meteo/bufr/tables
Here are some examples of the various programs, that I have run from /opt/meteo/bufr:
bufrInfo obs.20061020.18.bfr
Has the briefest output; It gives terse information on what file obs.20061020.18.bfr contains (it contains 16,114 bufr records)
bufrInfo -3 samples/temp.bfr
It will display the expanded descriptors for each bufr record in file temp.bfr (this file is in the samples dir and contain only one bufr-record)
bufrInfo -34 samples/pilot.bfr
The longest output; it will display the expanded descriptors and actual data for each bufr record in file pilot.bfr (this file is in the samples dir and contain only one bufr-record)
bufrDelSec2 obs.20061020.18.bfr /data/reduced.bfr
It will transfer all 16,114 bufr records from obs.20061020.18.bfr to reduced.bfr, skipping their optional section-2 record, giving a 25% gain in size
bufrTable 301033
It will display the nine element-descriptors which the sequence-descriptor 3.01.033 (fully) expands to
bufrFilterGeo -w -10 -e 40 -s 20 -n 45.2 obs.20061020.18.bfr /data/myArea.bfr
It will search through all 16,114 bufr records from obs.20061020.18.bfr and it will transfer to myArea.bfr only the 2,272 that fall within the requested area (-10 west up to 40 east and 20 south up to 45.2 north)